Call for Abstract

18th European Diabetes and Endocrinology Congress, will be organized around the theme “”

Euro Endocrinology 2025 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Euro Endocrinology 2025

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Endocrinology is a branch of biology and medicine dealing with the endocrine system, the endocrine system is a network of glands that produce and release hormones. These hormones are in charge of several functions in the body, from heartbeat to tissue growth to the creation of new life. These glands that produce and release hormones that help control many important body functions, including the body's ability to change calories into energy that powers cells and organs. The endocrine system influences how your heart beats, how your bones and tissues grow, even your ability to make a baby. It plays a vital role in whether or not you develop diabetes, thyroid disease, growth disorders, sexual dysfunction, and a host of other hormone-related disorders.


case report is a nitty gritty report of the manifestations, signs, analysis, treatment, and follow-up of a singular patient. Case reports might contain a segment profile of the patient, yet normally portray a surprising or novel event. Some case reports additionally contain a writing survey of other detailed casesCase reports are proficient accounts that give input on clinical practice rules and deal a system for early signals of adequacy, unfavorable occasions, and cost. They can be shared for clinical, logical, or instructive purposes.


Diabetic retinopathy is caused by damage to the blood vessels within the tissue at the rear of the attention (retina). Poorly controlled blood glucose may be a risk factor. Early symptoms are blurriness, floaters, dark areas of vision and difficulty perceiving colours. Blindness can occur. Mild cases could also be treated with careful diabetes management. Advanced cases may require laser treatment or surgery.

The conception of 'new innovations' for type one diabetes and new revelation and propelled type 2 diabetes treatment has extended as currently at a rate that some ought to seriously think about just like 'Moore's Law', and therefore the sheer range of recent advancements going into the type one diabetes business centre is likewise developing at a surprising rate. From the patient's viewpoint, this is energizing as well as can prompt a feeling of positive thinking. Advancements that today are developing typical (e.g. insulin pumps, quick HbA1c perceptive, and so forth go under new remedial instruments of diabetes. Without a doubt, it might be contended that the $64000 advances in type one diabetes care made within the half-moon of a century have originated from innovation rather than science. In the in the meantime, not all new innovations succeed (e.g. the Glucowatch), paying very little relevance their silent guarantee. Both type 1 diabetes patients and their medicinal services suppliers will soon see a progression of further propelled therapeutic advancements utilized as a part of doctor's facility and new innovations and novel treatments in diabetes treatment whose premise is fixing to the idea of enhancing the lives of those with the malady.


Diabetes, frequently referred to by specialists as diabetes mellitus, depicts a gathering of diabetes and metabolic sicknesses in which the individual has high blood (glucose), either in light of the fact that insulin generation is lacking, or on the grounds that the body's phones don't react appropriately to insulin, or both. Patients with high glucose will normally encounter polyuria (continuous pee), they will turn out to be progressively parched (polydipsia) and hungry (polyphagia). Recognizing type 1 and type 2 diabetes at determination is critical. Average qualities of type 2 diabetes incorporate the, Slow and guileful onset, most normal in overweight or fat patients from a minority bunch (Native Americans, blacks, and Pacific Islanders), Signs of insulin resistance, robust case history of kind a pair of diabetes. Familial way of life danger components prompting heftiness might be available, as may a family history of cardiovascular disease or metabolic disorder. Pediatric Diabetes is a type 1 diabetes mellitus that requires insulin treatment.


Diabetes research and Novel remedial targets accessible for diabetes incorporates Incretion based treatments, oral helpful operators like secretagogues, cell recovery and growth and foundational organism treatments. Embryonic undeveloped cell and fetal antecedent cell transplantation treatments are the significant undifferentiated cell treatments accessible for Diabetes. Aside from the on high of, completely different procedure methodologies in diabetes administration management are given as these days that square measure presumptuous an essential half in recognizable proof of qualities bringing about diabetes helping in Early Detection of Diabetes. These procedures are likewise valuable in concentrating on the compound pathologist of diabetes revealing totally different treatment prospects and model development forms for survival expectation.


Treat patients with hyperparathyroidism, Address particular issues of Graves' disease including thyrocardiac ailment, ophthalmopathy, dermopathy, delayed pregnancy, mammary, Use the 2015 ATA rules in the administration of their patients with thyroid knobs and thyroid malignancy determination, Determine when to do atomic hereditary testing amid assessment of a thyroid knob, Identify the ordinarily experienced adrenal and pituitary issue (clinical cases), Counsel patients on ripeness issues while being dealt with for growth, Provide the best treatment for transgender patients, Use the new lipid bringing operators and how down to oversee quiet who can't take statins. Intrinsic adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is any of a few autosomal latent sicknesses coming about because of changes of qualities for catalysts intervening the biochemical strides of the creation of mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids or sex steroids from cholesterol by the endocrine organs (steroid beginning).


Lipid disorders are a group of medical conditions that see excessive levels of fatty substances within the blood. These fatty substances include cholesterol and triglycerides. An excess of bad cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. A paraganglioma is rare neuroendocrine neoplasm that may develop at various body sites (including the head, neck, thorax and abdomen). About 97% are benign and cured by surgical removal; the remaining 3% are malignant neoplasm because they are able to produce distant metastases. "Paraganglioma" is currently the most-widely accepted term for these lesions that are conjointly delineated as: glomus neoplasm, chemodectoma, perithelioma, fibroangioma, and congenital nevi. Metabolic disorders of bone strength, usually caused by abnormalities of minerals (such as Ca or phosphorus(P)), vitamin D, bone mass or bone structure. The most common metabolic bone disorder is osteoporosis.

Thyroid issues are not uncommon in youngsters, but rather they are not as regular as guardians. Hyperthyroidism an overactive thyroid organ is seen just once in a while in new-borns. This condition is alluded to as neonatal hyperthyroidism. Although thyroid ailment happens less much of the time in kids than in grown-ups, the signs and indications can be comparable. In any case, there are a couple of essential contrasts that should be conveyed to light. Inborn hypothyroidism is a confusion that influences Newborn children during childbirth, and happens in around 1 in 4000 live-conceived babies. It is portrayed by the loss of thyroid capacity, because of the thyroid organ neglecting to grow regularly. At times, the organ is totally absent. Around 10% of cases are brought on by a catalyst deformity prompting inadequate hormones generation, iodine lack and a cerebrum pituitary organ variation from the norm. On the off chance that the determination is postponed, and quick treatment is not given, innate hypothyroidism can prompt development and formative imperfections, and serious mental impediment (cretinism).


Endocrine disorders are diseases related to the endocrine glands of the body. The endocrine system is a network of glands that produce and discharge hormones that help control numerous significant body capacities, including the body's capacity to change calories into vitality that powers cells and organs. The endocrine system impacts how your heart beats, how your bones and tissues develop, even your capacity to born a baby. It assumes an essential job in whether or not you develop diabetes, thyroid illness, development issue, sexual brokenness, and a large group of other hormone-related issues.


Advances in diabetes research continue to shape the landscape of understanding and treatment. Cutting-edge studies delve into the intricate genetic, molecular, and physiological factors contributing to diabetes. Breakthroughs in therapies, such as regenerative medicine and precision interventions, offer hope for more tailored treatments. Researchers explore novel mechanisms that could lead to early detection and prevention strategies. Collaborative efforts between scientists, clinicians, and technology developers drive innovation, aiming to alleviate the burden of diabetes on individuals and society.

Diabetes is a global health challenge with varying impacts across regions. Socioeconomic factors, access to healthcare, and cultural considerations influence diabetes prevalence and outcomes. Collaborative efforts are needed to address disparities, promote education, and implement effective interventions on a global scale.

Patient advocacy empowers individuals to be active participants in their diabetes care. Education, support networks, and self-management skills enable better decision-making and improved health outcomes. Empowered patients collaborate with healthcare teams to create personalized care plans.

Telemedicine and digital health solutions transform diabetes care delivery. Remote consultations, virtual monitoring, and smartphone apps enhance access to healthcare professionals and empower patients to track their health metrics. Data-driven insights enable proactive management and personalized guidance.


The interplay between diabetes and mental health is significant. Managing a chronic condition can lead to emotional challenges such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Conversely, mental health struggles can impact diabetes management. Integrating mental health support into diabetes care is crucial for holistic well-being.


Diabetes complications encompass a range of health issues, including neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, and cardiovascular complications. Comprehensive diabetes management involves early detection, regular screenings, and multifaceted interventions to mitigate risks and preserve overall well-being.

Nutrition plays a crucial role in diabetes management. Balanced diets, emphasizing whole foods, fiber-rich carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats, help regulate blood sugar levels. Low-carb and Mediterranean diets have gained attention for their positive impact on glycemic control. Tailoring nutritional choices to individual preferences and cultural factors enhances adherence and overall health.

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems revolutionize diabetes management. These devices provide real-time blood sugar data, allowing timely adjustments to insulin dosing, reducing fluctuations. Coupled with insulin pumps, CGMs create a closed-loop system that mimics the pancreas' natural function, improving glycemic control and reducing the risk of severe highs and lows.


Type 2 diabetes prevention and management strategies emphasize lifestyle modifications such as exercise, diet, and weight management. Early intervention through education and behavior change programs can delay or prevent progression. Medications targeting insulin resistance or glucose regulation are tailored to individual needs. The evolving field also considers the role of gut microbiota and personalized medicine in addressing type 2 diabetes risk.

Type 1 diabetes management is rapidly evolving with technological advancements. Insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems empower individuals to achieve better blood sugar control. Closed-loop systems, or artificial pancreas technology, automate insulin delivery based on real-time CGM data. Customizable options allow personalization for lifestyle needs. Emerging research focuses on minimizing hypoglycemia and improving glucose stability, enhancing the quality of life for those with type 1 diabetes.